Since the students form a passive resistance movement, the fight takes place at the university, in the students' flat and in the office where they are interrogated, among others. This fight also insists in overcoming physical tiredness, conquering fear and standing up for your beliefs. The scene of the verbal fight between Sophie and Mohr is so well done - using measured means to achieve a strong effect on the audience. The effect stronger for the message communicated - the message really simple and valid also today though in a different context.

The site the above image was taken from can be accessed here. I just got this DVD from one of the Chartbuster shops and it was the last one in the stock. I heard about this movie before so I really could not miss the opportunity. It is money well spent.
Deservedly Julia Jentsch and the director Marc Rothemund won the Silver Bear awards at the Berlin Festival. The movie itself won Bavarian Film Award. You can read more on it here.
On the White Rose you can get some information on this website.
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