All the best to everyone on this gorgeous, totally summer-like weekend.
Do all the things you best enjoy doing.
I just got back from horse riding lessons ( 2 hours this time) and now I am out in a few minutes - to soak in the sun and relax.
The pic is of the magnolia that grows in my parents' garden. I am going to see them in May and I am counting down the days. I expect the magnolia will be in full bloom then.
By the way, Easter is not the same when you spend it alone. It is the same with Christmas or any other holiday. I do realize here it is a commomplace but...
It's good I have friends; without them ... I cannot even say. Immigrant life is not bad when you think about it but, at times, it is not easy either .
a lovely picture.
we have magnolias that grow here, too. my husband calls them "popcorn trees," because the white flowers just explode overnight.
Thank you Laurie :) nice name - "popcorn trees" My mum told me her magnolia was in full blossom two days ago but because there was subzero temperature yesterday, all flowers are gone and it looks miserable now ...
ack! so sad. i love those trees because their blossoms come so early. but your mum's came a bit too early this spring. too bad.
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