Yes, it is a study time - big time. The final countdown has started: 12 days left till my exams (excluding today as today is ... nearly over). There is less Internet browsing now and less blogging. It is good that there are still two weekends left for studying (Bank Holiday weekend included). To give my brain a break and some more oxygen, I am going horse riding this weekend too.
Animals in the city series starts by the way. Yesterday I saw the pheasant in the grass while riding in the countryside. You need to imagine it as I don't have a photo. Tonight, though, here it is - a photo of a bird posing against the grey pavement slabs.
looks like a grey tit to me, but i could be wrong
I think this bird is a pied wagtail
I did some research and found a nice photo of a wagtail
good call. it's something i need to get is a good book on birds, as a reference. A little more attention to detail on my part would not go astray either!
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