Weekend is always to look forward to and Friday afternoons are most relaxing.
On Thursday I listened to Dire Straits
Baby I see this world has made you sad
Some people can be bad
The things they do, the things they say
But baby I'll wipe away those bitter tears
I'll chase away those restless fears
That turn your blue skies into grey
Why worry, there should be laughter after the pain
There should be sunshine after rain
These things have always been the same
So why worry now
Why Worry
I really found it hard to believe because I felt low but it turned to be true anyway and things turned out well in the end. Maybe not exactly the way I wanted but ok anyway.
On Friday, no music just reading.
I could not really decide what to read. I finished "McCarthy's Bar" by Pete McCarthy and it was a light and refreshing read on Ireland and West Cork in particular. Before that I finished "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk.
I want to quote an excerpt from this book here, which I found somewhat deep and interesting.
"SNOW. The solid form taken by water when falling, crossing, or rising through the atmosphere. Beautiful crystal starlets, usuall forming a hexagon. Each crystal snowflake forms its own unique hexagon. Since ancient times mankind has been awed and mystified by the secrets of snow. In 1555, when a priest named Olaus Magnus in Uppsala, Sweden, discovered that each snowflake, as indicated in the diagram, had six corners...
After Ka had finished looking at the encyclopedia he reached into his pocket and, like a student sitting down to do his homework, took out his notebook. He began to write a poem - the tenth to have come to him since his arrival in Kars. In the opening lines, he extolled the singularity of snowflakes, then went on to describe his childhood memories of the mother-and-child he had just failed to find at the back of the fourth volume of the Encyclopedia of Life. In the final lines he mapped out a vision of himself and his place in the world, his special fears, his distinctive attributes, his uniqueness. The title he gave this poem was 'I, Ka'. "
[Snow by Orhan Pamuk, published by Faber & Faber, 2004. pp219-220]
Human being as a snowflake - each one is different and unique but all are similar the way they are created. Human being having fears and dreams as well. Well, this book is about how dreams do not come true, which is sad. The reason why they do not come true is that fear - fear of happiness and more than that. But I will not add more - have a read yourself.
Here as reference, two book covers of the Snow - one from the edition in English [above] and the other one from the Polish edition [below].
Anyway re the evening read - I finished off the evening reading about the Celtic art, which seems kind of relevant in Ireland :-)
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